The world of technology is overrun with artificial intelligence (AI). It seems you can’t get ahead in such industries as smartphone technology, mobile apps, robotics, or social media without having a vast knowledge of AI. However, it seems the most significant industry being affected by AI is website design and web development. Before we can … Continue reading “How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Web Design and Web Development”
“Hey, I need you to compile a list of the most popular items in the last 80,290 transactions in our stores from March 2018 to May 2019 and I need it done by this Thursday.” Your supervisor requests of you. Whew! This seems like a lot. Don’t panic. They hired you for a reason. You’re … Continue reading “What is MySQL? A Beginner’s Guide”
If your business isn’t on the internet, chances are, in this day and age, it doesn’t exist. These days, your business needs to be on a website and a quickly loadable mobile application. Let’s be real, people are very quick to dismiss a mobile app or website when it does not load within seconds or … Continue reading “6 Best Practices to Optimize WordPress Database”
If you own or publish a website, you should be aware that speed and performance are as important as the content you deliver. One of the tools utilized to improve page loading speed is caching. In this article, we’ll explain what caching is, and why you need to use it. Specifically, we’ll discuss the resources … Continue reading “5 of the Best Caching Plugins for your WordPress Website”
Reseller Hosting has had recent growth in popularity within the last year, but very few people actually know or understand what it is. Reseller hosting sounds incredibly complicated at first glance, but in reality, it’s quite simple; however, like all popular trends, it comes with both its pros and cons. We’ll go through what exactly … Continue reading “Pros and Cons of Reseller Hosting Explained”
Are you planning to start an online business? Your decision couldn’t have come at a better time. All the tools and information you need to get an online business up and running are at your fingertips — thanks to the wealth of free, detailed learning resources available on the web. Eventually, you’ll have to power … Continue reading “5-Point Checklist for Starting a Successful Online Business”
WordPress 5.0 promises to change many aspects of WordPress, some of them drastically. Because WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS), any adjustments to it are bound to impact a lot of people and companies. The changes promised in WordPress 5.0 are large, and some of them have caused divided opinions … Continue reading “Everything You Need to Know About WordPress 5.0 Release”
Jun 19 2010
WordPress has just released 3.0 with some impressive new features. 1,217 bug fixes and enhancements, to be precise. Check out the video below for some of the highlights. Get started with Premium WordPress hosting for your Business today
Mar 21 2010
I thought I would take some time and talk about one of the least thought about parts of the hosting package for most clients, the backups. It’s something that until you need it, you’re not very likely to even think about it, and you’re probably not going to think about it when looking for hosting. … Continue reading “How our backup systems work”
Feb 24 2010
Unlimited hosting is here! So what is unlimited hosting? is it really unlimited? is it for me? As we pointed out in a previous post, unlimited hosting is for the most part a marketing term for the same old hosting plan but with a little twist. Hosting is not about disk space and bandwidth only … Continue reading “Buyhttp Launch a New Unlimited Hosting Plan”