Sep 4 2013
If you’ve checked out the site over the last few days you may have noticed some changes in our design. It’s not a major change, we just wanted to update the design to clean it up a bit. The main goal of the project was to widen the site and help make elements uniform across … Continue reading “New Site Design”
Jun 19 2013
We have just finished moving all of our video tutorials into our knowledgebase. The tutorials can now all be searched along with the rest of the knowledgebase entries, and there’s only one place you need to go if you have questions. We’ve also just added several tutorials for Joomla 3.1. We hope that this makes … Continue reading “Video Tutorials Merged With Knowledgebase”
Sep 10 2012
As we prepare for the update to MySQL 5.1, there is one major issue that could affect your site that is very easy to check. MySQL 5.1 only authenticates usernames up to 16 characters in length. cPanel has automatically limited MySQL username lengths to 16 characters for many years, so if you started a new … Continue reading “Checking Your Database Username Length”
Aug 9 2012
As we plan the transition to PHP 5.3, you might be wanting to make sure your site is compatible. If you run any recent release of any of the major CMSs you should be fine, but there is a chance one of your addons could have a problem. Fortunately, setting up a local testing environment … Continue reading “Setting Up Local Development”
Sep 22 2011
When we launched our cloud hosting service a few months ago we also launched a new shared hosting service with it. Shared cloud hosting offers you the same protections that come with being set up in our cloud hosting infrastructure and the same ease that comes with shared hosting. This means you get our 99.95% … Continue reading “Shared Cloud Hosting”